Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are low-voltage light sources that require a constant DC voltage or current to operate optimally. Because they operate on a low-voltage DC power supply, they easily adapt to different power supplies, have longer standby power, and are safer. LEDs require a device that can convert incoming AC power to the proper DC voltage and regulate the current that flows through the LED during operation. This Switching Power Supply LED driver converts 120V 60 Hz AC power to the 12 Volt DC power required by the LEDs and protects them from line-voltage fluctuations. You will be getting 1 Brand New LED Driver Switching Power Supply Transformer from 110 Volt 50-60 hz to 12 Volt DC. Simple to Use, Just plug the 3 prong plug to a GFCI outlet and connect the output wires to your LED light fixture. Withe is + and Black is -.

Product Features

  • Input Voltage:110 -130 Volt
  • Output Voltage:12V DC
  • Power:150 Watt 12.5A
  • Width:121 mm or 4.76″
  • Length:200 mm or 8″ Height :65 mm or 2.55″

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