Residential Landscape Architecture: Design Process for the Private Residence, Sixth Edition, covers the fundamentals of residential design. The text provides a thorough, how-to explanation of each of the steps of the design process–from initial contact with the client to a completed master plan. The text’s numerous illustrations and useful case study examples offer a rich learning experience for students. Whether you are just starting your design career or are a current practitioner, this valuable resource is sure to enhance your skills and knowledge.
Residential Landscape Architecture: Design Process for the Private Residence (6th Edition)
• 12 years ago
Excellent This book is truly a gem — it clearly and concisely explains every imaginable aspect of residential landscape design using very straigtforward and easy to understand text and diagrams.
designing with ease! what an outstanding book! i discovered this book during a course in garden planning that i’m taking this semester( i’m a student at the faculty of agriculture at the uni of jerusalem, in isreal) and it practically has all that you need to plan a super garden: the illustations are clear to understand, are varriable and give plenty of examples and of course ideas. the solutions to a lot of problems i encountered while trying to plan different spaces and gardens during my course, were solved with ease after looking through this easy to understand book. i dearly recommend any one with even the slightest love or nearness to gardening , design or just plain old mother nature to go out and get this book – it will surely help you get your house and garden design going in the right direction.
Later Edition Available This book is great, but you might like to know that a 4th addition of this book is now available. Type in – “Residential Landscape Architecture: Design Process for the Private Residence (4th Edition)” and check it out.
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