Moving, powerful short film.I”m a big fan of shorts, and don’t mind paying a couple of dollars for them, but it’s often hard to sort out what you’re getting in advance so I’ll break it down a bit.This is a professionally made, high quality the cinematography, sound lighting and acting is of feature film quality.The story is touching, sad, and uplifting. There’s a spiritual theme, but it’s not some preachy thing, an emotionally honest look at loss, faith and hope. I checked…
I loved this film.
Moving, powerful short film.I”m a big fan of shorts, and don’t mind paying a couple of dollars for them, but it’s often hard to sort out what you’re getting in advance so I’ll break it down a bit.This is a professionally made, high quality the cinematography, sound lighting and acting is of feature film quality.The story is touching, sad, and uplifting. There’s a spiritual theme, but it’s not some preachy thing, an emotionally honest look at loss, faith and hope. I checked…
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