This documentary contains no lewd or graphic imagery and is illustrated entirely by the worlds heritage of art, illuminating core mysteries of humankind: temptation. The serpent. The expulsion from Paradise. Archetypal stories that have moved millions of human beings: but who has understood their real meaning? Theories abound, but humanity remains suffering in the wilderness, removed from the state of bliss (which in Hebrew is “Eden”). Drawing upon the greatest teachers of humanity, like Jesus, Buddha, Moses, and others, and investigating what they actually taught, we can see the emergence of the genuine root of all of their teachings: that creation, the most sacred act in the universe, is always sexual. All life emerges from sex, even spiritual life. But unfortunately, we have corrupted sex; that is why humanity was expelled from Eden. By learning the ancient science of sacred sexuality, anyone can return to the natural state of existence: harmony with nature and God. When you make male and female into a single one… then you will enter into the Kingdom. – Jesus of Nazareth, from The Gospel of Thomas And the companion of the (Savior) (was) Mary Magdalene. (He) loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her mouth. – The Gospel of Philip In the view of Tantra, the body’s vital energies are the vehicles of the mind. When the vital energies are pure and subtle, one’s state of mind will be accordingly affected. By transforming these bodily energies we transform the state of consciousness. – The 14th Dalai Lama Learn about: – The Universal Experience of Suffering and its Universal Remedy – The Secret Teachings of Jesus and Moses – How Man and Woman were “made in the image of the Elohim”: Male-Female – The Tree of Life, also called Kabbalah – The Tree of Knowledge, also called Alchemy, Daath, or Tantra – The Duality of the Serpent: Kundalini and Kundabuffer – How to Experience Eden for Yourself Features: – English Language Track – Spanish Language Track – English Subtitles – Digitally Mastered Audio and Video
Sex, The Secret Gate to Eden – Alchemy, Tantra, and Kabbalah
• 11 years ago
“The Chemistry Of God” ~ Creating The Human Soul `Sex, The Secret Gate to Eden – Alchemy, Tantra, and Kabbalah’ has managed to present a profound and foundational concept in an exquisitely simple format that makes sense to both novice and adept spiritual seeker. Taking its audience step by step in classroom fashion idea after idea, concept after concept is presented, explained and linked to the previously covered information keeping the flow of information coherent and consistent.The DVD covers such Arcanum as:- Desire and Suffering, Chastity and Perfection- The 7 dimensions and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life- Moses, the Bronze Serpent and the Caduceus of Mercury- Jesus, Magdalene and the Christos- Black, Gray, White Tantra- Kundalini and Kundabuffer: Controlling the Serpent Within- The Alchemical Marriage- Giving Birth to the SoulThere is so much essential information to be dispensed in this film you would be wise to have pen and paper close at hand. Essential material for the pilgrim traveling the path to enlightenment and perfection!
More support for an ancient principle I maintain a website call “Reuniting,” which is also devoted to “white tantra” (as it is called in the film) and to demonstrating the universality of its principles – with special emphasis on the recent neurochemical research that is indirectly confirming the wisdom of making love differently. Therefore, I was very pleased to see that this film is a powerful contribution to mankind’s education about the sacred potential of intimate relationships. It’s also a gorgeous tapestry of thousands of years of symbolism from esoteric traditions all over the globe. I’m especially impressed that the filmakers managed to portray the essence of Samael Aun Weor’s teachings without his fiery language. Bravo!
Don’t judge a DVD by it’s title… Even though the word “Sex” is central to this DVD, it contains no lascivious or malicious images or language. The subject is of upmost importance for those seeking true self-realization. If you are tired of feeling empty after mechanical, repetitive and fruitless worship. This DVD will not let you down and will open your eyes. I cannot thank the authors enough as it did change my life and those around me. There is a lot of information to be experienced in order to achieve our place back in Eden and this is a great tool in order to get you in that path.The narrative is presented over great and inspiring images. It is well worth the money and I am ordering more to give as gifts to friends.
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